Home Newsletters 2024 Volume 4, Issue 2
SpotWalla Newsletter
2024 Volume 4, Issue 2

What's In This Newsletter?

Move to AWS - Amazon Web Services

Those of you who were paying attention know that we moved SpotWalla from Rackspace to Amazon Web Services (AWS). There are a number of reasons for this move, but it was not because we were in any way dissatisfied with Rackspace. We simply want to ensure SpotWalla is hosted in the best and most reliable environment.

The move itself took a couple of hours. The process was smooth and completed without any issues along the way. Most of you probably never even noticed it happened. That's a good thing.

As a result of the move, we're back to using spotwalla.com as our primary hostname instead of new.spotwalla.com. They both still work so it doesn't matter which one you use. In fact, all of these point to the same thing:

We're enjoying the new home and look forward to staying here a while.

Google Maps Update

In the last newsletter I mentioned we were going to look into the feasibility of moving back to Google Maps. I'm happy to report that we think the move is not as cumbersome as we initially thought. In fact, it will make some things a lot simpler for us while providing the best maps on the market to all of you.

We'll start moving to Google Maps slowly over the course of year so don't be surprised if you notice a difference in the quality, style and look of the maps. This move should not affect what you do or how you do things in SpotWalla.

New Functionality

You may have noticed that, in addition to setting the color of the track for each device in a trip, you can now set the track width too. This will not only help you distinguish one track/device from another, but also allow you to better see the track on smaller devices like a phone.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email us and we will help.

Email SpotWalla Support
