Home System Maintenance

System Maintenance

There's really no good time to perform system maintenance, but it has to get done to ensure the system remains healthy and operational.

On Sunday, April 28th between 9:00PM and 12:00AM US/Central SpotWalla will be moving to a new and better home. For the past decade or more SpotWalla has been hosted on Rackspace. Aside from periodic system maintenance, we have had zero issues with Rackspace. As SpotWalla continues to grow, it's in our user's best interests for SpotWalla to run on the best systems and software available. And in the online hosting space, no one does it better than Amazon Web Services (AWS).

This isn't a trivial move either. So rather than doing this when I'm half asleep, I've scheduled it for late on a Sunday evening. I'm fully awake and still operating at a high level mentally.

Best case scenario, this is all over in an hour. Worst case, it fails and we have to revert everything back and try again some other time. Based on some of the dry-run timings, I think it will take 2 hours to complete the move and start bringing SpotWalla back to life.

I'm optimistic by nature so I think it will go over without a hitch. We shall see. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
